Never fail to fall in Love with yourself.

Saurabh Setia
5 min readJun 16, 2020


Image By: Saurabh Setia

This morning after an amazing Dance session as my morning workout. Just made me thought to write what’s going on in my head and may be you’ll relate to yourself if you are going through that phase or just holding somewhere inside your heart and couldn’t understand.

We all have different types of emotions going through our mind which gives vibes to our entire body.

Have you ever felt hatred towards yourself and missed love to be a part of yourself and it’s just generating negative vibes within you?

I think everyone goes through with that phase at some point of time and some understand and move on with it but some just start living with it and it creates a little fear in their mind.

This post is for those who are stuck in that phase or who are holding it in their mind.

So this emotion starts getting bigger in your mind when you stop valuing yourself or start giving less value to your thoughts that makes you happier.

This may happen due to opinion of others which drown your mind to not work for it,

Fear and excuses that you make to your mind for not doing it by the rise of failure.

This eventually becomes a habit and you stop doing the things that you should do for yourself.

These small little efforts that you don’t make for yourself gets bigger with time and you just become an Auto Pilot person who doesn’t really knows what matters in life and just doing the things that world is telling you to do.

Do you think that’s the real way of life to live and spend your entire life with it which you know that you are never gonna get it back?

Everyone eventually knows that they can change it by doing the little efforts everyday and by bringing a small change in their daily life routine.

But They don’t.

There are some reasons to that and I’ll express what I observed.

Some people compare their thoughts with another that what other person is doing will also make him happy since the other person Is happy doing it and not listening to himself and what his soul and mind says to bring happiness in his life.

Another one is the competition within the same field where you and another person has same interest but you think that other person is that great that you can’t beat him and as a result of fear you step back at first place.

Now Let me tell you,

That the thoughts above coming in your mind is just your subconscious thought which doesn’t know how to do that work and by comparing it, it just gets worse.

You have to question yourself at the first place that are you and another person are really equivalent?

That Do you both have gone through the same life and experiences in entire Life?

Your answer will be ‘NO’ that’s what your mind will say and that’s what makes your life different.

Your Life will never be same as the another person. You and your ability to think is different.

Every mind is unique in itself but just by the trap of other opinions and orthodox mindset we don’t realise the value of it.

Everyone is blessed with different thoughts to evaluate their dreams they want to.

Your game technique will always be different what ever game you play and define your own identity.

Looking at the game of Cricket,

You must have heard about Sachin Tendulkar, Virat Kohli.

They are playing a same game but still they are known for how they play it differently and make their own identity.

They have their own style and that’s what make them different.

Now you must be thinking that how to change your mindset. You could be of any age and would have seen Life with different perspective.

The only thing that stop us is by doing Big in just one day and to see that difference in just one day.

That’s what most of the people do and give up on themselves coz they look at things in a very unreal way.

You firstly have to learn to spend time with yourself,

You have to take out time to exactly know what is going on in your mind and how that can effect your life to make you happy.

You can write it down, that helps.

Now the next step is to take out time for yourself. A lot of people says there are busy n stuff and just making stupid excuses even for their own happiness.

Thats just Bullshit.

It’s never impossible that you can’t take out time. People spend their time wasting on cell phone for 4–5 hours and can’t take out Time to explore and do what it takes to change their life.

You just have to start and take that first step.

You don’t have a take that Big step on the very first day which will eventually disappoint you.

You have to learn patience which you will learn as you start.

Do it everyday by scheduling a particular hour for that thing and spend your entire time working on that at that point of time.

Even if the pace is small, you will be moving ahead with it.

By doing all these things you’ll realise that you are getting to understand yourself more internally and externally.

You start doing things that matters to you and get to learn how to make your inner self happy.

By making this small change everyday. Your Life will look more valuable to you and you will be more Calm and Happier.

Remember one more thing.

You are Unique. Your work will always be different no matter how much competition you think you have. Your work will always be unique to the world.

So just DO IT. You will get better and better as you get to know yourself more.

You will look at things more clearly to work on.

And that will bring back Love back to your Life.

Your work really plays a big role in life to change your life in a better way.

I hope it made sense to you and made things easier in your mind in one or another way.

Thank-you for giving your valuable time. If my content adds a value to you feel free to shower your love by claps, that motivates me more and if you want to chit chat a bit.

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Saurabh Setia

May be in a part of me, you find yourself. Just writing my heart out what i feel about life and thoughts to add more value to life.