Saurabh Setia
4 min readApr 16, 2021


With different areas of World, we have different culture, different lifestyle, different living, different attire and different values to offer.

We met a lot of people in Grahan Valley.

With some of them we had a word, and with some we just watched how they live and survive.

Photo Credits: Saurabh

First picture: This person there owns a property for accommodation(Howling Owl) and his hospitality was amazing from our experience.

Their survival depends on tourism, People like us. Even with less technology they know a lot about different cultures, different food, different languages coz

They are open for learning no matter what age they reach. We really had big conversations with him, getting to know more about survival and the way they live their life in extreme cold and different environment.

Life is Hard they said, but they completely enjoy their journey through out. Learning from people come there, spending time with them and sharing and hearing stories.

We loved the homemade food he made and specially pancakes which are amazing, Do try if you plan to go there.

Photo Credits: Saurabh

Second picture: A shepherd who owns a lot of Sheep, and make his earning through that. Shepherd is a very old business running from old age time and is still followed in such areas. In return of Sheep Milk, selling wool to make clothes is how they earn and survive for their Life.

Every work takes effort to earn from and doing it happily is what keep them going.

Photo Credits: Saurabh

Third Picture: Logging worker who transport the stuff from one point to another. We spotted a lot of worker who earn their living by just transporting the logs from up n down the hill. Look at their faces, even after the age of 60, they work so hard to earn their living and looking at them and their efforts and their speed of walking is really appreciable. There is so much to Learn from such people who change the definition of getting older

Photo Credits: Saurabh

Fourth Picture: A lady making socks of wool since it was that time of season when it really gets Cold, and moreover it becomes a Snow-land like you can get an idea from the background. Knitting is a very old process of weaving clothes and is still continued in many parts of the World. It can be used to weave any garment you wear from cardigan to socks. Such stuff are been sold at Local Market there and also exported to different areas through which they earn.

Photo Credits: Saurabh

Fifth Picture: Namaskar! We waived Namaskar to them to show our Love and respect for them. They are amazing the way they are.

Enhancing and Adding Life to such places which we wish to travel and explore.

They all taught us and shared their views and perspective about Life. Doing the work and adding value to Life with more energy and living life surrounded with Nature.

They all were Happy living in Nature with sound of water, fresh breeze, greenery.

Atlas all they had to say that they preferred the life they living more than living in a City, meant to live more in Nature.

What type of Life do you like to live in, City or in Nature?

Thankyou for reading and giving your precious time Guys.

I hope it added some value and you get to learn something from this experience.

For anything more you have in your mind, you can ping me on my social connect mentioned below.

Lots of Love.

Insta Travel page:




Saurabh Setia

May be in a part of me, you find yourself. Just writing my heart out what i feel about life and thoughts to add more value to life.