What healthy diet tips you should keep in your mind for healthy living?

Saurabh Setia
3 min readMay 28, 2021


Overall, Look at points majorly and then in detail below.

(Follow 80% rule): Don’t stuff your stomach beyond 80% full.

Include Fruits and green vegetables everyday.

Consume sweet only once in a week.

Fast once a month if possible.

Include Green Tea / Jasmine tea once in a day.

Intake Whole grain food everyday instead of refined grains.

Include rock salt instead of table salt.

For a healthy Living and longevity, People have been searching all ways to extend their life span and quality of living.

According to the World Health Organisation, Okinawa (Japan) has the most life expectancy in the world with the highest ratio of centenarians in the world.

Learning from such sources, and with contexts (Like in Book : Ikigai) has mentioned a lot about it.

From that knowledge and also from my personal experience I really find that following some basic tips can eventually lead you toward a better life.

From the sources, I would like to share information below with the hope that it changes your life for better.

Hara Hachi bu: It’s a 80% rule that Japanese follow which means when you notice you are almost full but could have a little more… just stop eating!

This experiment has really found to be good for good digestion and also reducing of the cardiac disease, obesity, hypertension.

Include more fruits and vegetables than Fast food : Fruits and vegetable are filled with nutrients, your body need to grow and get stronger rather than filling your diet with foods that are empty of nutrition leaves less room for nutrient-filled foods.

Include Food like Green veggies, Carrots, Soy beans, Spinach, potatoes in a definite quantity for well balanced daily calories.

As also Okinawans used to consider these as their staple food.

Fasting: Fast for at least once in a month which has the benefit of cleaning your digestive system and allows your system to rest and recover.

Include Green Tea / Jasmine tea in a day which has antioxidant power which slows down the oxidation process in cells, and has meaningful health benefits, such as Controlling cholesterol, lowering blood sugar levels, improving circulation, promoting bone health and also protecting against certain bacterial infections. These are among some of the important factors.

Consume less sugar since eating too much added sugar has many health effects, the most obvious being weight gain. Added sugar drives up your insulin levels, messes with your metabolism, and causes those calories to turn right into belly fat.

These are some of the effects but beyond that there are many other health effects if you take more than your body needs.

It needs to be balanced.

Include Whole grain food instead of refined grain,

We can say from the sources that A whole grain contains the bran and germ of the grain, which provide fiber and all sorts of important nutrients. Refined grains have had these nutritious parts removed, leaving only the high-carb endosperm(mostly carbs (in the form of starch) and protein.).

Include Rock Salt instead of Table salt: Any kind of salt that is least processed and refined is the best for consumption.

Source of origin makes the Rock salt safe from environmental pollutants due to which it does not require any bleaching like table salt.

For more information you can Refer to links below,




And also you can include to read Book “Ikigai’ which has a lot of acknowledge about life longevity.

Thankyou for your time.

Really appreciate it and would love to know your additional opinion over it.

Let’s make the community grow and make this world more healthier and stronger. Feel free to ping me on official account.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/motivatedmyday/



Saurabh Setia

May be in a part of me, you find yourself. Just writing my heart out what i feel about life and thoughts to add more value to life.